“I survived COVID-19”

“I survived COVID-19”

Jim McCoy and his wife both tested positive for COVID-19 in March. They’re feeling better now.

Jim is a life coach and his wife, Nancy Werlin, is the author of several popular Young Adult books. They live in Melrose, Mass.

1. What prompted you to get tested for Coronavirus? What were your symptoms?
I had a physical scheduled anyway, and I thought I might have Coronavirus because I had a dry cough, a mild fever, and muscular aches. They were beginning to cancel routine visits, but I had a couple of other things I was concerned about also and they let me keep the appointment. Nancy had similar symptoms and got tested after I did.

2. How do you think you contracted it?
Could have been any one of several ways. We went out to dinner with friends the week before, I had my regular pool league and a couple of other outings, and I work in a café every morning. Nancy spent a day writing with a friend who might have had it.

3. What did you do to treat it?
We stayed on top of the symptoms with acetaminophen, mostly Nyquil and Dayquil.

4. Were you frightened?
I was never worried for myself, but Nancy has asthma, which made me nervous that her symptoms might worsen.

5. How are you now? Any tips to the pre-afflicted?
We’re doing fine now. Staying on top of the symptoms is important if you do get sick—don’t tough it out. In the meantime, take stock of your situation and control what you can control. Make sure you and the people you love are all set for food, clothing, shelter, and companionship, and attend to making life joyful regardless of circumstances. There’s a best way through this for each of us.

6. Do you think the shelter-in-place and other mandates are the right things to do? Would you do anything differently?
I think shelter-in-place is absolutely the right thing to do to flatten the curve and keep our health care system from being overwhelmed. This virus is going to afflict a lot of people regardless of what we do; the key is to slow infection enough so that we can treat all of the people who can be treated, and prevent people from dying who can otherwise be saved.

Thanks, Jim!

Jim’s website: merlincoaching.com
Nancy’s website:  nancywerlin.com

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