Communicator, content creator, author, project manager, market transformer, ecological solutions promoter, public information specialist, and connector
Often revealing and promoting: Cleantech, environmental solutions, water management, nutrient recycling, health care, housing, and useful technology
My books (click on image for more information):
Besides books, I write and produce:
- Marketing tools, including communications plans, newsletters, brochures, web content, proposals, video scripts, and factsheets
- Feature articles
- Article placements
Just a few links to articles on the web (see others on my Work/Portfolio page):
- Living La Vida Local in Natural Home Magazine
- Grow with the Flow: Legal Uses of Graywater in Natural Home
- Divining Architecture in The San Francisco Chronicle Magazine
- High-Level Landscapes (Green Roofs in Boston) in The Boston Globe
- Growing Away Wastewater in Landscape Architecture Magazine
- The Walls Are Alive (green walls) in Natural Home Magazine
- Building Green: The Elements of Green Building in Common Ground Magazine (download)
- Raindrops Keep Falling in Natural Home Magazine (here’s the sidebar on how to make a rainbarrel)
- Source Separation: The Ultimate Decentralized Wastewater Solution in Onsite Water Treatment Magazine
- How Low Can You Flow? in Natural Home Magazine
- Turn Waterfront Development Challenges Into Sales Features (Chapter 91) (ghostwritten; posted here by permission) in New England Real Estate Journal (download)
I’ve also written for The Boston Globe, Environmental Design & Construction, Landscape Architecture, Natural Home, Encyclopedia of the Environment, Whole Earth Review, Water Connection, MIT Report, The Harvard University Gazette, BioCycle, InBusiness, Building with Nature, Training & Development, Mother Earth News, and World of Biology.
A participatory city visioning project for which I wrote scenarios of a sustainable future: Scenario Project
A state-funded pilot program to organize and inform community members to teach their neighbors how to compost, based on community-based social marketing methods: Neighbor-to-Neighbor Composting Program (N2N)
Other involvements (I created all these websites for better or worse):
Develop training courses and produce some communications materials for this engineering firm: Ecological Engineering Group
Co-organizer of this conference:
Designing Urban & Industrial Watersheds: Ecological Engineering for Integrated Water Management
Conference and Courses: Harvard School of Design, Cambridge, Mass.
Importer and eco-toilet company founder:
Ecovita: Eco-Toilets and Tools for Water-Wise Living
Marketing Communications Director/Project Developer: Ecological Engineering Group
EcoWaters Projects (formerly The Center for Ecological Pollution Prevention–now renamed again in the wake of our domain loss)
Ecological Designers & Engineers Network (EDEN)
Simple websites I’ve created: all of the above and www.greenfrigatebooks.com, www.maclearinghouse.com, and http://mycreativedevelopment.com/
I present worldwide on ecological wastewater recycling options.
Here’s a very old and simple presentation (presented at the integrated bio-systems symposium in Samoa):
Ecological Decentralized Solutions for the Pacific Islands (back up soon)
A past project in Baja California Sur, Mexico
I’m on the board of directors of this affordable housing complex for low-income seniors: Stevenson House.
Some old photos from my last website: L to R: The “Eco-Toilet Team” surveying systems at Havasu Falls near the Grand Canyon (Carol, Jack Erhardt, Sharon Erhardt of A-C-E Builders). Center: A composting toilet workshop team at El Santuario in Baja California Sur, Mexico pose at one of their creations (Carol not in photo). Left: Toppling the dominant wastewater paradigm, Jardin de los Naranjos, Baja, Mexico. I am on the lower left with Scott Schroeder and Amare Pearl.
Odds and ends, mostly historic links I can’t bear to delete:
Green Port/Green Harbor Plan created for New Bedford, Mass. with Davison Bolster
Fish Island: My historic salvage island in New Bedford, Mass.
Flowscapes, the Green Roof Project (this site will be back up soon)
Mentioned in a New York Times op-ed: [click here]
Founder of Ecovita, only supplier of several models of eco-toilets in North America [click]
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller
“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination.” – John Schaar
“Sustainability is a process, not some kind of utopian end event. It’s about creating financial and social wealth and well-being without trashing ourselves and the planet.”
– Rob Abbott